Tie your life to a goal

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

Albert Einstein

I am a junkie for a good inspirational quote.  This quote has been my mantra for the past few weeks.

How many days have I pined away over the way someone is treating me.  Even while it’s happening I know what I’m really doing is procrastinating my list of things to do.

It is so true, that the mind thinks it’s being productive while problem solving.  But how to quit all that mumbo jumbo that repeatedly cycles and loops through the mind?

Grieving is natural and acceptable.  We grieve over things not going our way often, for loss of people who have passed or who chose to leave us. We grieve over the machines we rely on when we they break down and every time we turn on the news.

The choice we need to make is how long should we suffer?  Make a decision to grieve or not, but know that you are giving this decision a lot of power and energy that could go towards something great, like writing your novel, going for a long walk, cooking a fantastic meal for your favorite people, or painting your living room a new color.

It’s hard to stop the grieving and worrying so ween yourself a little each day.

Today I’ll allow myself to think about this problem for 30 minutes, tomorrow 25 minutes and each day shave five minutes off until you’re done.

And if you still miss that worrying, only do it five minutes a day.

Go outside and weed the yard, plant a flower, and most importantly find something to smile about.

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